Many beginning Internet Marketers struggle with how and when to spend money simply because they usually don't have very much to work with. So there is a constant conundrum about how and where they should prioritize their expenses. Should they focus on paying for websites, advertising, ebooks, hosting, PPC, articles and content, site development, or autoresponders?
The simple answer to this is that unless you have a very solid business plan and good funding trying to start with everything is just too overwhelming. Almost every ebook and forum out there talks to the importance of content and your list. Just what does that truly mean?
It means that before anything else you should collect a starting amount of content; that is, free articles, PLR articles and privately written original information. This should be the focus of your work and it has the highest amount of productivity to monetize your sites.
The reasoning behind this is that many spend too much time focusing on the look and feel of their site rather than the content. Even the simplest graphical task to tweak a site can take hours. In addition, wasting hours and hours of effort on html, css and page layout is not going to drive that additional profit gain that you could have received just by having clean content on your site.
So, if you don't have time to worry about designing a site and managing it's layout I would strongly suggest using a blogging service. My personal pick is Blogger only because of the freedom they give you to add scripts and modify the templates to your liking. Wordpress has better layout options and more complete blogging features but will not allow scripts. There are some newer options as well that I haven't tried yet but should be just as easy to work with.
The other aspect of where to focus your expenses when first starting out is to think about your list - that is, those leads and customers that you can market to over and over. Many seasoned internet marketing veterans talk about how much more they could have made if they had only started building their list much sooner rather than later.
With your list being so important you should seriously think about getting a quality autoresponder as one of your very first expenses. In fact, some autoresponder services allow you to setup a free list (with advertising until you pay) to get started. I prefer only because it is very easy, has one of the highest delivery rates and has unlimited responders for all of my various projects
The care and feeding of your list should always be your priority and the start of your future as a bonafied online marketer.
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